
How to prep for a facial

Avoid Sun Exposure

For at least a week before your treatment, limit sun exposure (including spray tans, self-tanning lotions, and tanning beds) as it may lead to unwanted skin discoloration and, in rare cases, complications such as blistering or discomfort. Be sure to use a broad-spectrum
SPF 30+ daily if the treatment area cannot be covered while outside.

Check your Medications

In order to ensure you are a good candidate for a facial, our Medical Team will review all medications being taken with you before your treatment and assess the skin to ensure it is safe and prepared for treatment. Certain medications may cause photosensitivity, which may make you more sensitive to the treatment and/or ineligible to receive a treatment while taking*.

*If you are uncertain or have just begun a new medication, please email, text or call your local Skin Laundry clinic before your appointment.

Avoid using Topical Retin-A

For at least 48 hours avoid Retin-A to minimize skin sensitivity before your facial, especially if you are new to using the product. You may resume Retin-A usage the following day after your treatment.

Wait to Receive a Facial After Any Cosmetic Procedures

• Wait at least 5 days after any injections (ie. Botox & fillers)

• Wait at least 2 weeks after any laser treatments at other providers, chemical peel, dermaplaning, micro-needling, or other forms of skin resurfacing (one week post laser hair removal).

Special Considerations

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

To help your skin recover, hydrate your body and skin from the inside out by drinking plenty of water before and after your treatment.

Final Tips & Tricks

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It only takes 15 minutes to emerge from Skin Laundry's doors with a new and improved complexion.


Go get this facial. It takes no time at all, and the results last for weeks.